
Prayer underpins all that we do.  We start the week by joining together on Zoom to pray - if you would like to join us on a Monday between 9 and 9:30am please contact us.

We are joining in with churches across England to mark with prayer the time between Jesus ascending into Heaven and the Holy Spirit descending to us all on Pentecost.  At both St Stephen's, Lansdown and St Mary's, Charlcombe there will be space for you to pray in peace for the world, the church and those you love.  St Stephen's, Lansdown will be open between 4pm and 6pm on every day between Thursday 9th May and Saturday 18th May.  St Mary's, Charlcombe will be open between approximately 9am and 5pm on those days, enabling you to come and sit, reflect and pray for as long as you'd like. 

We also offer prayer ministry after our services, and our clergy are always ready to receive specific prayer requests.  If anyone would like a pastoral visit, either for prayer or just a discreet conversation, please contact us.

A poster advertising church opening times for prayer during Thy Kingdom Come

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