What's on

Tea Tasting, one of many events that's happened at St Stephen's, Lansdown.There is always something to look forward to at St Stephen’s.  Beyond our services the church is usually open on Saturday mornings (10 am to 12 noon) with a welcoming coffee or tea.  Should you wish to make a special visit, we’re very happy to arrange this so please contact us.

A poster advertising church opening times for prayer during Thy Kingdom ComeThere are lots of events to enjoy in both St Stephen’s and our sister church of St Mary’s, Charlcombe.  What, when and where can be found in both the Calendar and in The Beneficial (our regular summary of news and events at both churches).

Calendar Download The Beneficial here

Thy Kingdom Come

We are joining in with churches across England to mark with prayer the time between Jesus ascending into Heaven and the Holy Spirit descending to us all on Pentecost.  At both St Stephen's, Lansdown and St Mary's, Charlcombe there will be space for you to pray in peace for the world, the church and those you love.  

St Stephen's, Lansdown will be open between 4pm and 6pm on every day between Thursday 9th May and Saturday 18th May.  St Mary's, Charlcombe will be open between approximately 9am and 5pm on those days, enabling you to come and sit, reflect and pray for as long as you'd like.


Poster advertising the Wildlife Workshops described on this webpageComing soon in June!

Wildlife Workshops for children (aged 7+)

Come along to St Stephen's on Saturday, 8th June for a Wildlife Workshop and build Bee Hotels, decorate and hang Bird Boxes, and plant wildflowers.  There are 2 sessions, the first between 9:15 and 10:30 and the second between 11:00 and 12:15.  For more details and to register for a place please contact the Church Office.

Climate Change Workshop

Join us between 10:00 and 12:15 on Saturday, 15th June for a Climate Change Workshop with speaker Caroline Pomeroy from Climate Stewards to understand more about climate change and our part in it.  For more details and to register for a place please contact the Church Office.Poster advertising the Climate Change Workshop described on this webpage

Abseil St Stephen's!

Abseil down St Stephen's toweron 22nd June 2024 for a great experience that will raise money for Genesis Trust and St Stephen's Church.  Abseil St Stephen's a challenging abseil from the top of the church tower. It's a stunning view at the top, a great challenge both on the way up and down and a wonderful sense of achievement at the bottom!  For more information on the event and on how to register click here or use the menu to the left.

Remember this? Elliot's £5 to £50+ Challenge!

Elliot was challenge by his school to turn £5 into £50.  Together we sponsored him to build something amazing with 5lb of Lego in 50 minutes, and raised £400!  The money will be split between St Stephen's school (for hall renovations) and St Stephen's church (for building repairs). You can watch Elliot in action below.

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